Tuesday 1 July 2008

Whats in a name....

So what is it that we do when we "timeshift" TV? (assuming that we have gone digital in the first place)...do we video it? Do we use a PVR? What about the DVR? Or the latest potential acronym DTR (Digital Television Recorder)...does it matter? From a pedantic point yes..because the point is that the term should give a vague indication of the activity being carried out..and none of the above cut the mustard. yes it is a recorder, but is it personal (surely everyone uses it), and is it video?

Further what is the associated verb...most people (after the water cooler moment) talk about taping last nights programme, surely that cannot be right...and is brought about by the confusion of the term video

So what about DCR: Digital content recorder. Accepted that the Digital element is almost a given anyway, thus what is one doing recording and what are they recording: content

Whilst it is unlikely that this will receive either the Pulitzer or the Whitbread, its a great start to problem that only really exists in a few peoples heads!

On a completely unrelated note: why do airlines load planes by row (row 65 to 60 for example); this often leads to chaos as inevitably the person with the window seat is the last to get there; so why not load the planes by the seat...so all the "A"s , then "B"s etc. Just a thought.

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