Saturday 18 July 2009

Welcome back

So...nearly a year, and my commitment to blog regularly has failed miserably...

I seem to manage it for work (writing in my own inimitable fashion, which to be fair has attracted unwarranted attention from the wrong sort) but don't seem to be arsed to do it anywhere else...

Loads has happened since the last post (not that trumpet thing)..can't remember any of it...

went to a rock festival (first one in approximately one million years) and blimey..modern festi goers have it easy..toilets, food, reasonable sound..for goodness sake..where is the pain, discomfort, queueing for hours etc etc...I almost makes it worth thinking about going again..saw the gods AC/DC for around the 22nd I get older, recovery time seems longer; what is interesting in the miusic scene, though, is the return of "classic rock" with bands such as Heavens Basement or Black Stone Cherry

Since I last wrote, something called Twitter has happened (primarily to middle aged "hip things" in the media who have failed to learn texting. Interesting that the phenomena has not really taken off with the real hip young things. Worse, marketeers and PR agencies have discovered it, and that will really kill it off (witness the move into on-line advertising..they have managed to successfully kill that in their avaricious search for the next new thing)...a recent report from their target market of the under 24s suggested that not only does this market not want adverts on-line, they find them intrusive and irritating. Never mind though, I am sure that the agencies get a nice award at a nice do at the Park Lane Hotel.

As the world  looks to improve returns on (any) investment, there is an outside chance that suddenly people will realize that reaching 1 million people in one go (increasingly the average size of ITVs audience on a good night) represents good value for money. Not sexy..but may be of interest to their paymasters!

I would like to finish on a request for guidance: is there an email ettiquette?

If I send an email (or for that matter receive one) when:
- does it become rude to reply (2 days? a week?)
- if you have not had a reply when is it ok to chase (1 hour, 1 week, a year?)
- does it ever get too late to respond?

Questions and puzzles..and only a year to get sorted before my next blog!